St. Mary's EIN (tax number) is 87-0482467. However, occasionally this shows up in charitable directories as "The Diocese of Salt Lake City." If you or your financial institution encounter this problem, please contact
Learn how your gifts make a difference. Read St. Mary's latest edition of its new magazine, The Assumption, online now!
All parishioners are highly encouraged to make your donations through a recurring online gift to the general offertory. Or to make a gift from your IRA, Donor Advised Fund, or through stock, please contact Justin Hibbard at
Members of St. Lawrence Church in Heber City, click here to give.
set up recurring gift nowGENERAL CHARITY
Since the coronavirus crisis began, St. Mary's has dramatically increased its charitable ministries, providing food, diapers, clothing, and financial assistance requests to struggling families and expecting mothers in real need here in the Wasatch Back.
You generous gifts provide for the incredible work of St. Mary’s first-ever Director of Charity Maria Villar.
In particular, your generosity helps to uniquely meet the huge housing assistance need in our high cost-of-living community . . . in a way no one else can.
St. Mary’s community partners, from the Park City Community Foundation to Peace House to Holy Cross Ministries to Summit County Club House and so many more, look to St. Mary’s, to you, for help with providing housing to local families in need.
Community partners come to St. Mary’s because they know your Church Family charitably, compassionately, and effectively helps those in need secure a home.
GIVE NOW learn more about St. Mary's Charitable MinistriesLEAVE A LEGACY OF FAITH
Prepare for your passing in an authentically Catholic way. And prayerfully consider leaving a bequest to St. Mary's!
Through St. Mary’s partnership with, you can write your Will safely, securely, and free in as little as 15 minutes. Simply use code MARYPC.
Have you already included a bequest to St. Mary's in your will? Or want to update your will to include a bequest to St. Mary's? Please contact Justin Hibbard at
Write Your Will for Free HereGABRIEL PROJECT
The Gabriel Project is a ministry of St. Mary's which supports young and expecting mothers in need. Your gifts provide rental assistance, food, diapers, baby clothing, toys, books, and spiritual support and friendship to these mothers.
St. Mary's Church is a landmark of Park City’s entry corridor – its lofty design and incredible setting is complemented by wonderful views of the mountains from within the church and parish center. The Church offers to thousands of parishioners and visitors the sacraments, a beautiful and peaceful place to pray, and a sanctuary to grow and serve.
The Church building and Parish Center are a beacon of the greater community, utilized by Park City's best charitable programs, and host to beautiful artistic events, such as performances by the Utah Symphony.
Your gifts to the Building Maintenance Fund maintain and beautify St. Mary's Church and facilities so they can continue to be a such a beacon to Park City and the world!
In the next few years, $3-4 million worth of facilities renovations will be needed for St. Mary’s campus. The large amount of this will be needed by this coming summer 2025 to replace the church roof, with the parish center roof then to follow. Your generous end-of-year gift towards the $1 million need to replace St. Mary’s Church roof will ensure this beautiful church, this sanctuary of Park City, can continue to welcome all to worship, to gather, and to
receive the Body of Christ!
To specifically give to donate to the replacement of the roof of the main church, please click HERE.
Built in 1884, the Old Town Chapel is Utah's Oldest Catholic Church and served as St. Mary's primary Church until 1997.
Your gifts to the Old Town Chapel Fund help ensure the Chapel remains open for all to visit, pray at, and attend Mass. The Chapel is a special and revered establishment of the Old Town Community, a precious reminder of our roots, and a landmark for our town. Your support ensures it remains that way and can continue to be utilized regularly for St. Mary's community events, our food bank, and the area's best charitable organizations.
Form the future priests of Utah, like St. Mary's own seminarians Michael Weight, Anthony Shumway, and Brian Schumacher. Help feed struggling families and children through Catholic Community Services of Utah. Provides for the less fortunate Catholic communities helping to build the Church in Utah!